![]() |
Cat. no. 5
Additional references under footnote 4.1
1 J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) pp. 81, 84-85 nos. 10, 83 & 96.
Cat. no. 13
Add further references for the examples in Paris under footnote 29 including
additional examples.
1 Other shabtis have been offered for sale on the art market.2
1 For E 27488 see J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) pp. 10 & 90 (cat. no. 216 and for E 11103 see pp. 22 & 90 no. 217. Other examples are listed in the catalogue, see pp. 82, 84, 86-88 & 90 nos. 21, 22, 113, 135, 161 & 214. An additional shabti is E 11107 see p. 90 (cat. no. 215).
More recently see J. –L. Bovot, Les serviteurs funéraires royeux et princiers de l’Ancienne Égypte (Paris, 2003) pp. 36-71. This superb catalogue has detailed descriptions
together with photographs of each shabti for Amenophis III in the Louvre. This
includes additional fragmentary examples
– AF 12825 - AF 12827.
N 467 + E 27488 pp. 17, 38-41 (cat. no. 1); N 645 pp. 42-43 (cat. no. 2); N 649
pp. 18, 44-45 (cat. no. 3); N 653 pp.46-47 (cat. no. 4); N 2245 pp.48-49 (cat.
no. 5); N 2247 pp.49-50 (cat. no. 6); E 11103 pp. 17, 51-53 (cat. no. 7); E
11104 pp. 54-56 (cat. no. 8); E 11104bis pp. 56-57 (cat. no. 9); E 11105 pp.
18, 58-59 (cat. no. 10); E 11107 pp. 60-61 (cat. no. 11); E 11121 pp. 62-63
(cat. no. 12); E 16688 p.64 (cat. no. 13); E 16689 p. 65 (cat. no. 14); E 16690
p. 66 (cat. no. 15); E 16691 pp. 67-68 (cat. no. 16); E 16692 p. 68 (cat. no.
17); AF 12825 p. 69 (cat. no. 18); AF 12826 p. 70 (cat. no. 19) and AF 12827 p.
71 (cat. no. 20). For the inscriptions see pp. 349-359 and also pp. 391-397 for
variations etc. in the Amenophis III Formula.
2 Drouot, Paris 19/11/02 lot 26; Christie's, 25/4/07 lot 88 (alabaster, upper
torso only, no head).
Cat. no. 16
A companion shabti for Huy although made of steatite but with the same title ‘Chief Sculptor,’ was in the G. Howard Collection of Egyptian Art in America. This particular
shabti was exhibited in a museum in Catania, Sicily in 1999 (27th March-30th
June) and also published.
1 It has a ba-bird across the chest but unlike Cat no.16 wears a striated
tripartite wig and has a basket on the back. The inscription on both figures
appears to be identical. It is clearly evident that both shabtis are the work
of the same craftsman. This figure is now in the collection of Dr. T. Dyer in
the US.
1 The Getty Conservation Institute, Nefertari – Regino d’Egitto (Turin, 1999) p. 55 no. 66.
Cat. no. 26
Further example offered for sale on the art market.1
1 Christie’s (New York), 10/12/04 lot 352.
Cat. no. 29
Two examples are in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (1576 & 1716).1 These must be two of the shabtis mentioned under footnote 27. Additional
references for Paris (E 7661
& E 22124) under footnote 23.2 Add further shabtis under footnote 34.3
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) p. 121
2 J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) pp. 85 & 89 nos. 89 & 196.
3 Sotheby’s (New York), 8/12/04 lot 45 - this shabti was previously sold by Sotheby’s (New York), 14/12/78 lot 380; Drouot (Paris), 16/10/05 lot 742; Drouot
(Paris), 28/10/06 lots 627
& 628.
Cat. no. 30
With reference to the examples in Moscow two shabtis have inventory numbers 1131
& 6884.1 Additional reference and further shabtis in Lisbon, Sociedade de Geografico (E
401 R, E 402 R
& 460 R).2 Other shabtis for Iset-em-Khebit are found in Lisbon, Sociedade de Geografia
(2507-4A, 2507-4B and 2507-26A
& B).3
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) p. 121
nos.334-336. Two other shabtis for Iset-em-Khebit are probably not from this
2 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 701-704 nos. 1-4.
3 Luís Manuel de Araújo, ibid (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 595-597, 683 nos. 1-3 and 85 (overseer).
Cat. no. 31
There are two examples of shabtis for this owner in Glasgow, Hunterian Museum & Art Gallery (D.1932.19 & D.1964.42). An additional shabti can be added under footnote 8.1 Another shabti for this owner is in a private collection in Bilbao and a
further example is in Portugal, Faculdade de Ci
ências do Porto (41.01.02).2
1 Sotheby’s, 5/11/05 part of lot 101.
2 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) p. 790 no. 1.
Cat. no. 33a
Add further shabtis under footnote 16.1
1 Christie’s (New York), 11/12/03 lot 59; Bonhams, 20/10/05 part of lot 14 (2 shabtis);
Drouot (Paris), 1/12/07 lot 425.
Cat. no. 34
The examples mentioned in Moscow (714 & 729) have been published.1 Further reference under footnote 14.2 A shabti for this owner was offered for sale at auction.3
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 129-130
2 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 598-599 nos. 4 & 5.
3 Drouot (Paris), 29/4/06 lot 590.
Cat. no. 35a-j
A further example can be added under footnote 16.1
1 Bonhams. 14/5/03 part of lot 450.
Cat. no. 36a
Correction for the example in Moscow (6312). This should read 6812.1
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 126-7
Cat. no.37a
There is a shabti for User-hat-mes in Lisbon, Sociedade de Geografico (2507-7A).1
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) p. 611 no. 17.
Cat. no. 38
Add further examples in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (1560,
& 1701).1 Further reference for Paris under footnote 29.2 Add further example under footnote 47.3
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 119-120
nos.330-333. No. 1614 is also published in this catalogue.
2 For E 7663 see J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) p. 85 no. 106.
3 Sotheby's (New York), 5/6/08 lot 62 (overseer).
Cat. no. 39
This reading of the name of the owner of this shabti appears to cause much
confusion. It has been suggested by Niek de Haan (Rotterdam) that the name
should be read as Pa-sen rather than Pinudjem. I agree with this reading and
thank him for pointing out this correction to me. The name Pa-sen is listed in
1 Other examples for this owner can also be added.2
1 H. Ranke, Die Ägyptischen Personennamen I (Glückstadt, 1935) p. 117.6.
2 Christie’s (New York), 11/12/03 lot 66 (read as Pinudjem); Christie's (New York), 8/6/07
lot 17 - read as Djehuti and subsequently offered for sale on the art market -
see Royal-Athena Galleries, Art of the Ancient World XIX (New York
& London, 2008) no. 200; Bonhams, 1/5/08 lot 11 (read as Pinudjem).
Cat. no. 40
There is another shabti for this owner in Cracow (XI-704).1
1 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) p. 67 no. 27.
Cat. no. 42
There are two shabtis for this owner in Lisbon, Museu Nacional de Arquelologia
(E 467 R
& E 468 R).1 Correction for the example in Moscow (36808). This should read 6178.2 It should
be noted that this shabti has been read as Meky-net-ef which is perhaps
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 724-725 nos. 24 & 25.
2 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 124-125
no. 360.
Cat. no. 43
An additional example was offered for sale at auction.1
1 Drouot (Paris), 28/10/06 lot 623.
Cat. no. 45a
The example cited in Montserrat (610.105) is made of terracotta. As all other
known examples of shabtis for Mehyt-weskhet are made of faience it seems is
perhaps unlikely this terracotta example belongs to the same lady. The title of
‘Divine Adoratrice’ is clear to read, but the name occurring immediately below appears to be
restored and is probably erroneous.
1 The example mentioned in Moscow has been published.2 The shabti comprises two fragments that do not appear to match. Also add
further references for examples in Paris under footnote 15.
3 A further example, consisting of the upper torso, is in private collection in
Bibao. Another fragment was offered for sale on the art market.
1 Grateful thanks to Jose Mari Ortuondo.
2 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality – Monuments of Egyptian Art from the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of
Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 127-128 no. 371.
3 J. -L. Bovot,Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) pp. 27 & 92 nos. 263 & 264. See also J. –L. Bovot, Les serviteurs funéraires royeux et princiers de l’Ancienne Égypte (Paris, 2003) N 2249 = E 1976 pp. 330-332 (cat. no. 162 and E 5334 pp. 32,
332-334 (cat. no. 163). For the inscriptions see p. 389.
4 Bonhams, 1/5/08 lot 63.
Cat. no. 46
Additional reference under footnote 11.1
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 630-633 nos. 36 & 37.
Cat. no. 47
Additional references under footnotes 121 and 15.2 There is a shabti for this owner in Poznan (MNP A 887).3 An additional example was recently offered for sale at auction.4
1 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) pp. 185-191 nos. 7-12.
2 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 634-635 nos. 38 & 39.
3 H. A. Schlögl, Die ägyptischen Totenfiguren - Katalog aus den Sammlungen des National Museums in
Poznan (Poznan, 2006) pp. 33-34 no. 4.
4 Bonhams, 13/10/06 part of lot 102.
Cat. no. 48a
There is a shabti for this owner in Glasgow, Hunterian Museum & Art Gallery (D.8).
Cat. no. 49
Add example in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (1634).1 This shabti is probably the one recorded as a gift given by the Khedive of
Egypt, Abbas II Hilmy, to Russia in 1893. Additional reference under footnote
2 Additional reference for Paris E 22110 under footnote 15.3
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) p. 123 no.
2 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 638-639 nos. 42 & 43.
3 J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) p. 87 no. 148.
Cat. no. 51
Additional reference under footnote 11.1 An additional example can perhaps be added under footnote 19 - the inscription
is not particularly clear.
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) p. 640 no. 44.
2 Drouot (Paris), 1/12/07 lot 426.
Cat. no. 52
The examples mentioned in Moscow have been published.1 Add two more entries under footnote 18.2
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) p. 127-129
2 Christie’s, 13/5/03 lot 81; Bonhams, 1/5/08 lot 5; Wooley & Wallis (Salisbury, Wilts), 7/7/08 part of lot 373.
Cat. no. 53
Add further example in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (1563).1 This must be the shabti mentioned under footnote 39. Add a further reference
under footnote 12.
2 Additional shabtis can be added under footnote 47.3
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 121-122
2 J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) pp. 13-14 & 88 nos. 166 & 167.
3 Sotheby’s (New York), 8/12/04 lot 44 (this figure was previously sold in Sotheby’s, 10/8/72 lot 8); Christie’s (New York), 9/12/05 lot 91; Drouot (Paris), 28/4/07 lot 502 (Overseer).
Cat. no. 54
Add reference for the example in Cracow (XI-778).1 Add examples in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (737, 1616, 6824 & 7449).2 Add an additional example in Paris (E 20310).3 Add further shabtis under footnote 33.4
1 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) pp. 56-57 no. 17.
2 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 122-123
3 J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) p. 89 no. 195.
4 Christie’s (New York), 11/12/03 lot 62; Christie’s, 18/10/05 lot 273; Bonhams, 13/10/06 lot 98; Drouot (Paris), 29/4/06 lot 586.
Cat. no. 55
There are two more examples of shabtis for Nes-ta-nebt-tawy in Lisbon, Sociedade
de Geografico (2507-2A
& B).1
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 647-648 nos. 51 & 52.
Cat. no. 57
Add examples in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (1502, 1518, 1524,
1552, 1596, 1611, 1691
& 1813).1 Add further examples in Paris (Louvre E 7669, E 7672, E 7684, E 7685, E 20306,
E 23904, AF 12828 and AF 12829, ) together with references.2 Another shabti was
offered for sale on the art market.
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality – Monuments of Egyptian Art from the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of
Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 117-119 nos. 320-327.
2 J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) pp. 51, 58 & 92 nos. 253 & 257. For E 14729 see pp. 51 & 92 no. 256.
For all the shabtis for Queen Henut-tway in the Louvre see J. –L. Bovot, Les serviteurs funéraires royeux et princiers de l’Ancienne Égypte (Paris, 2003) pp. 305-318. See also pp. 346-347.
E 7669 pp. 305-306 (cat. no. 142); E 7672 pp. 306-307 (cat. no. 143); E 7684 pp.
31, 308-309 (cat. no. 144); E 7685 pp. 31, 309-310 (cat. no. 145); E 14729 pp.
310-311 (cat. no. 146); E 20306 pp. 312-313 (cat. no. 147); E 22088 pp. 313-314
(cat. no. 148); E 23904 pp. 314-315 (cat. no. 149); AF 12828 pp. 31, 316-317
(cat. no. 150) and AF 12829 pp. 31, 317-318 (cat. no. 151). For the
inscriptions see pp. 387-389.
3 Drouot, Paris 19/11/02 lot 29.
Cat. no. 58
Further reference under footnote 11.1 There was a shabti for Henut-tawy in the former collection of R. Monier
(currently M. Phillipe collection).
2 Additional shabtis can be added under footnote 30.3
1 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) pp. 58-59 nos. 18 & 19. No. 932 is an overseer.
2 Luc Gosselin, Les Divines Épouses d’Amon (Paris, 2007) plts. 10a-c.
3 Christie’s, 29/10/03 lot 178 (the same shabti was offered for sale again in Bonhams,
27/4/06 lot 23); Christie
’s (New York), 11/12/03 lot 160 (the same shabti was previously offered for sale
in Christie
’s, 11/7/84 lot 155); Drouot (Paris), 28/10/06 lot 635.
Cat. no. 59
Additional reference under footnote 14.1 Additional reference for Paris (E 14730) under footnote 18.2 There is a shabti for Hor in the Arnold Meijer collection.3
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 651-654 nos. 55 & 56.
2 J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) p. 89 no. 193.
3 C. A. Andrews and J. van Dijk (eds.), Objects for Eternity - Egyptian
Antiquities from the W. Arnold Meijer collection (Mainz, 2006) p. 157 no.
Cat. no. 60a
There are two shabtis for Her-webkhet in Lisbon, Sociedade de Geografico
& B).1 Add further example offered for sale at auction.2
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 655-666 nos. 57 & 58.
2 Bonhams, 1/5/08 part of lot 455.
Cat. no. 61a
An additional shabti was offered for sale at auction.1
1 Drouot (Paris), 16/10/05 lot 745.
Cat. no. 63
Add further example in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (1541).1 Additional examples under footnote 16.2 There is a shabti for this owner in Cracow (XI-935).3 There is another shabti for the owner in a private collection in Germany.4
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 123-124
2 Christie’s (New York), 11/12/03 lot 57; Bonhams, 13/10/06 lot 96.
3 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) p. 60 no. 20.
4 S. Decker, K. Stegbauer and A. Schütze, Uschebti - ägyptische Dienerfiguren einer deutschen Privatsammlung (Kempen, 2005) pp. 66-67.
Cat. no. 64
Another shabti for Tent-Amen was recently offered for sale on the internet.
Cat. no. 65
Additional reference under footnote 10.1 Other shabtis for this owner are in Cracow, Archaeology Museum (1920 & 1921).2
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) p. 769 no. 69.
2 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) pp. 204-205 nos. 25 & 26.
Cat. no. 66
A complete example of a shabti for this owner was offered for sale on the London
art market. The name is read as Ta-shed-et (ex. Mustaki collection).
1 This shabti was subsequently offered for sale by the Artemis Gallery.
1 Charles Ede Ltd., Egyptian Antiquities (London, 2004) no. 24.
Cat. no. 67
One of the examples mentioned as being a gift given by the Khedive of Egypt,
Abbas II Hilmy, to Russia in 1893, is probably in the Pushkin State Museum of
Fine Arts, Moscow (693).
1 There are shabtis for Tent-shed-Khonsu and Ta-shed-Khonsu in Lisbon, Sociedade
de Geografico (Tent-shad-Khonsu = 2507-11B 2507-11A ; Ta-shed-Khonsu = 2507-11A
and 2507-36A
& B).2 Additional reference and example under footnote 11.3
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 128-129
2 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 670-673 nos. 72-75.
3 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) p. 64 no. 24. The inventory number should read XI-401. There is another
shabti for Ta-shed-Khonsu in Cracow, National Museum (XI A-21) see H. A. Schl
ögl, ibid p. 143 no. 5.
Cat. no. 68
Additional reference under footnotes 101 and 11 with further shabtis (E 97 & E 116 - all overseers, including E 498).2
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 674-675 nos. 76 & 77.
2 Luís Manuel de Araújo, ibid (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 766-768 nos. 66-68.
Cat. no. 69
Additional reference under footnote 11.1 Additional examples can be added under footnote 20.2
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 676-677 nos. 78 & 79.
2 Bonhams, 15/5/03 lot 68; Bonhams, 1/5/08 part of lot 64.
Cat. no. 70
Add further references under footnotes 7,1 92 and 10 with additional shabti (E 106 - overseer).3
1 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) pp. 193-194 nos. 14 & 15.
2 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 678-679 nos. 80-81.
3 Luís Manuel de Araújo, ibid (Lisbon, 2003) pp. 738-741, 770 nos. 38-41 and 70.
Cat. no. 72
There is another shabti for this owner in Portugal, Assis Ferreira collection.1
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) p. 801 no. 11.
Cat. no. 73
Add further example under footnote 5.1
1 Sotheby’s, 5/11/05 part of lot 101.
Cat. no. 74
Additional reference under footnote 4.1 Correction for the example in Moscow mentioned under footnote 9 (169). This
should read 769.
2 Further examples can be added under footnote 8.3
1 Luís Manuel de Araújo, Estatuetas Funerárias Egípcias da XXI Dinastia (Lisbon, 2003) p. 744 no. 44.
2 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) p. 122-123
no. 349.
3 Bonhams, 1/5/08 lots 6 & 10.
Cat. no. 79
There is an example for this owner in Cracow, National Museum (XI A-32).1
1 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) p. 163 no. 22. Schlögl comments that the canopic jars for this owner are in Athens. See O.
Tzachou-Alexandri, The World of Egypt in The National Archaeological Museum
(Athens, 1995) p. 160 nos. 94-97.
Cat. no. 81
Add further examples under footnote 13.1 Another ushebti was recently offered for sale by a dealer.2 This is now in a private collection in Holland.
1 Christie’s, 11/12/03 lot 88; Bonhams, 1/5/08 lot 15?
2 Charles Ede Ltd., Egyptian Antiquities (London, 2008) no. 21.
Cat. no. 82
There is an ushebti for this owner in a private collection in Germany.1
1 S. Decker, K. Stegbauer and A. Schütze, Uschebti - ägyptische Dienerfiguren einer deutschen Privatsammlung (Kempen, 2005) pp. 86-87.
This may be the example cited by Schl
ögl under footnote 8.
Cat. no. 84
A similar ushebti was offered for sale on the internet. The title was translated
‘Friend (of the King).’
Cat. no. 85
Add further examples under footnote 10.1 An ushebti for this owner was offered
for sale on the Galleria Delvecchio web site (Canada).
1 Bonhams, 13/10/06 lot 99; Bonhams, 1/5/08 lot 14; Sotheby's (New York) 5/6/08
lot 64 (very different stylistically and textually).
Cat. no. 87
The example mentioned in Moscow has been published.1 Add further examples under footnote 13.2
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 140-141
2 Sotheby’s (New York), 9/12/03 lot 57; Bonhams, 26/10/07 lot 437; Drouot (Paris), 1/12/07
lot 455.
Cat. no. 88
Add further examples under footnote 14.1
1 Sotheby’s (New York), 12/6/03 lot 215; Bonhams, 30/10/03 part of lot 22. A further
example was recently offered for sale on the internet.
Cat. no. 90
Additional reference for Paris (E 20273).1 Reference and inventory number for the example in Cracow (XI-43).2 Further examples can be added under footnotes 263 and 27.4 There is also an additional example in Paris, Départment des Monnaies, Médailles et Antiques, Bibliothèque nationale de France (855 bis).5
1 J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) p. 90 no. 197.
2 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) pp. 100-101 no. 58.
3 Bonhams, 1/5/08 lot 83; Sotheby's (New York) 5/6/08 lot 63.
4 Charles Ede Ltd., Egyptian Antiquities (London, 2005) no. 17; Helios Gallery
(online) 2008.
5 J. -F. Aubert and L. Aubert, Statuettes funéraires égyptiennes du départment des Monnaies, Médailles et Antiques (Paris, 2005) pp. 135-136 no. 57.
Cat. no. 91
There is an ushebti for this owner in a private collection in Germany.1
1 S. Decker, K. Stegbauer and A. Schütze, Uschebti - ägyptische Dienerfiguren einer deutschen Privatsammlung (Kempen, 2005) pp.
Cat. no. 93
Additional ushebtis under footnote 8.1
1 Drouot (Paris), 29/4/06 lot 507; Sotheby’s (New York), 6/12/06 lot 146.
Cat. no. 95a
Additional reference under footnote 7.1 A further example can be added under footnote 8.2
1 For E 5339 see J. -L. Bovot, Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité (Paris, 2003) pp. 57 & 92 no. 245; J. –L. Bovot, Les serviteurs funéraires royeux et princiers de l’Ancienne Égypte (Paris, 2003) pp. 201-204. For E 17409 see J. –L. Bovot, Les serviteurs funéraires royeux et princiers de l’Ancienne Égypte (Paris, 2003) pp. 26, 204–206. For the inscriptions see p. 378.
2 Charles Ede Ltd., Egyptian Antiquities (London, 2006) no. 19.
Cat. no. 96
Under footnote 15 add further examples of ushebtis for this owner which were
offered for sale on the art market.
1 Other examples can be added under footnote 16.2
1 Drouot, Paris 19/11/02 lots 24 & 25.; Christie’s, 11/12/03 lot 85; Drouot (Paris), 29/4/06 lot 503; Drouot (Paris), 28/4/07 lot
2 Charles Ede Ltd., Egyptian Antiquities (London, 2006) no. 20 - subsequently
offered for sale by Bonhams, 26/10/07 lot 55; Charles Ede Ltd., Egyptian
Antiquities (London, 2008) no. 19.
Cat. no. 97
A further example of an ushebti for this owner is in the Pushkin State Museum of
Fine Arts, Moscow (1816).
1 S. Hodjash, The Way to Immortality - Monuments of Egyptian Art from the
Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pp. 141-142
Cat. no. 98
Add further ushebti under footnote 21.1
1 Sotheby’s (New York), 6/12/06 lot 77.
Cat. no. 99
Add further ushebtis under footnote 31.1
1 Christie’s, 13/5/03 part of lot 309; Christie’s (New York), 11/12/03 lot 81; Sotheby’s (New York), 8/12/04 lot 127 - previously sold by Christie’s, 14/12/83 lot 89; Bonhams, 26/10/07 lot 54; Bonhams, 1/5/08 lot 84.
Cat. no. 100
The two examples mentioned in Batley, Bagshaw Museum have the inventory numbers
& 2002.4.1
1 Written communication with Katina Bill.
Cat. no. 101
There is an ushebti possibly for this owner in Cracow (XI-45) although the
inscription is in a single vertical column on the front. No title is given but
the name of the mother is the same (although read as Ta-net-Amen) and the
figure is from the same period.
1 H. A. Schlögl, Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der Öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus (Kraków, 2000) p. 107 no. 63.
Cat. no. 102a-f
Two examples are in a museum in Cernusco sul Naviglio, Italy (MCCN, 2000.01.04 & MCCN, 2000.01.05).1 There is an example in a private collection in Germany.2
1 F. Tiradritti and F. Lovera, La Collezione egizia di Cernusco sul Naviglio
(Cernusco sul Naviglio, 2001) pp. 13-15 nos. 5
& 6.
2 S. Decker, K. Stegbauer and A. Schütze, Uschebti - ägyptische Dienerfiguren einer deutschen Privatsammlung (Kempen, 2005) pp. 74-75.
Cat. no. 104
Add further example under footnote 25.1
1 Christie's, 25/4/07 lot 39.
Cat. no. 105
Another ushebti for this owner was offered for sale on the Sands of Time web
July 2008
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